Dogwood Traillazers 10K/6K Walk at Wildcat Glades
5 Nov 2011 - 13:00
Start Point: Freeman Health System East – Lower Level Lobby 932 E 34th St.
Driving Directions *From I-44 turn north at exit 8B onto Bus 71. *Turn left (west) at 2nd light onto 32nd St * Turn right on 34th St. *Freeman East is on your left. Park in lot south of building and enter lower level on south side. Walk box at lobby desk of Conference Center.
Description The walk winds through scenic Wildcat Glades conservation area on paved and natural paths offering scenic vistas along and above Shoal Creek. It also follows a rural road to Grand Falls, one of Missouri’s largest waterfalls. Restroom availability dependent on Audubon Center limited hours of operation. Walking after dusk is not recommended.