Dogwood Trailblazer’s King Jack Park Walk
3 Dec 2011 - 13:00
Webb City
Start Point: Kum & Go Convenience Store 411 South Madison, Webb City, MO
Driving Directions *From I-44 take exit 18 north on US 71 to Carthage. *Drive 6.7 miles to US 171 (Business 71). Turn left at the exit & drive west 9 miles to the Kum & Go on your right at the corner of Madison & McArthur (3rd light). *After registering drive back east on US 171 .09 miles to King Jack Park on your right to start the walk.
Description Start/Finish store is open 24 hours. The walk is dawn to dusk on city streets & sidewalks, a city trail which is blacktop & the Frisco trail which is sand & gravel.