Dogwood Trailblazers Branson Landing Walk

23 Sep 2012 - 13:00

Walk takes you along Lake Taneycomo, through a park, residential area, historic downtown Branson and the new Branson Landing. Mainly paved surfaces with a few hills.

Location: 545 North Business Hwy. 65 From Hwy. 65, take Hwy. 248/Bus. 65 exit. From the north, turn left on Bus. 65 (east) and from the south, turn right on Bus. 65 (east). Go east on Bus. 65 for 1/2 mile to Skaggs Medical Center on your right. Turn right at the 3rd entrance, marked Main Entrance. Park in the parking lot on your left near the entrance. Walk into Hospital Entrance to Information desk and ask for Walk Box at information desk on your right.


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